Postgraduate Institute of Medicine |
University of Colombo |
Unconfirmed Results | |
Results of the Selection Examination in Medicine – March/May, 2010
(Provisional results subject to confirmation by the Senate of the University of Colombo)
The following candidates have qualified and been selected for the admission to the Medicine training Programme :-
Index No. Name of candidate
SE/Med -001 Dr. A.P.J. Cooray
SE/Med -002 Dr. M.A.M.S. Cooray
SE/Med -003 Dr. M.U. Dahanayake
SE/Med -004 Dr. P.A. Daluwatte
SE/Med -005 Dr. K.A.R. Gajaweera
SE/Med -006 Dr. C.S.S.S.K. Gamakaranage
SE/Med -007 Dr. S. Gerald Rajakulenthiran
SE/Med -008 Dr. S.D.S. Ilangantilaka
SE/Med -009 Dr. J.P.D.P.K. Jayalath
SE/Med -011 Dr. A. Kathiragamanathan
SE/Med -012 Dr. N.W. Kodithuwakku
SE/Med -013 Dr. T. Kogulan
SE/Med -014 Dr. K.C.R. Kumara
SE/Med -015 Dr. D.S. Liyanage
SE/Med -016 Dr. E.M. Manoj
SE/Med -017 Dr. P. Mayurathan
SE/Med -018 Dr. M.I. Mohomed Rifath
SE/Med -019 Dr. K.D. Narangoda
SE/Med -020 Dr. B.M.T.P. Nawasiwatte
SE/Med -021 Dr. A.R. Nihara
SE/Med -022 Dr. M. Niraj
SE/Med -023 Dr. G.N.D. Perera
SE/Med -024 Dr. T.A.C.L. Piyarathna
SE/Med -025 Dr. M.L.G. Piyatissa
SE/Med -026 Dr. W.D.D. Priyankara
SE/Med -027 Dr. D.U.S. Ratnapala
SE/Med -028 Dr. E.C. Ratnayake
SE/Med -029 Dr. P.C. Rodrigo
SE/Med -030 Dr. H.D. Samarasinghe
SE/Med -031 Dr. K. Sathiamoorthy
SE/Med -032 Dr. T.M.I.S. Tennakoon
SE/Med -033 Dr. E. Thambiayah
SE/Med -034 Dr. B. Thillaiyampalam
SE/Med -036 Dr. S.C. Weerasinghe
160, Norris Canal Road,
Colombo 07.
4th May, 2010