Postgraduate Institute of Medicine |
University of Colombo |
Unconfirmed Results | |
Results of the Selection Examination in Medicine – March, 2010
The following candidates have obtained the required cut-off marks in the MCQ Paper to proceed for the OSCE of Selection Examination in Medicine. The OSCE will be held on 04th May 2010.
Index No. Name of candidate
SE/Med -012 Dr. A.P.J. Cooray
SE/Med -013 Dr. M.A.M.S. Cooray
SE/Med -014 Dr. M.U. Dahanayake
SE/Med -015 Dr. P.A. Daluwatte
SE/Med -017 Dr. K.A.R. Gajaweera
SE/Med -018 Dr. C.S.S.S.K. Gamakaranage
SE/Med -019 Dr. S. Gerald Rajakulenthiran
SE/Med -023 Dr. S.D.S. Ilangantilaka
SE/Med -026 Dr. J.P.D.P.K. Jayalath
SE/Med -030 Dr. H.W.D.N. Karunarathne
SE/Med -031 Dr. A. Kathiragamanathan
SE/Med -032 Dr. N.W. Kodithuwakku
SE/Med -033 Dr. T. Kogulan
SE/Med -035 Dr. K.C.R. Kumara
SE/Med -039 Dr. D.S. Liyanage
SE/Med -043 Dr. E.M. Manoj
SE/Med -045 Dr. P. Mayurathan
SE/Med -046 Dr. M.I. Mohomed Rifath
SE/Med -048 Dr. K.D. Narangoda
SE/Med -049 Dr. B.M.T.P. Nawasiwatte
SE/Med -050 Dr. A.R. Nihara
SE/Med -051 Dr. M. Niraj
SE/Med -055 Dr. G.N.D. Perera
SE/Med -058 Dr. T.A.C.L. Piyarathna
SE/Med -059 Dr. M.L.G. Piyatissa
SE/Med -060 Dr. W.D.D. Priyankara
SE/Med -064 Dr. D.U.S. Ratnapala
SE/Med -065 Dr. E.C. Ratnayake
SE/Med -066 Dr. P.C. Rodrigo
SE/Med -069 Dr. H.D. Samarasinghe
SE/Med -074 Dr. K. Sathiamoorthy
SE/Med -080 Dr. T.M.I.S. Tennakoon
SE/Med -082 Dr. E. Thambiayah
SE/Med -084 Dr. B. Thillaiyampalam
SE/Med -086 Dr. R. Vimalan
SE/Med -088 Dr. S.C. Weerasinghe
160, Norris Canal Road,
Colombo 07.