Postgraduate Institute of Medicine

University of Colombo

Unconfirmed Results


Results of the Selection Examination for Postgraduate Diploma in Reproductive Health –

February, 2010

(Provisional results subject to confirmation by the Senate of the University of Colombo)


The following candidates have qualified and been selected for the admission to the Postgraduate Diploma in Reproductive Health Course  :-

                                                        Index No.                       Name of candidate

                                                   SE/PDRH -002                        Dr. F.S. Ashraff

                                                   SE/PDRH -005                        Dr. M.I. Ellawela

                                                   SE/PDRH -006                        Dr. P.U. Handagala

                                                   SE/PDRH -007                        Dr. T. Jayarradan

                                                   SE/PDRH -008                        Dr. J.A.N.A. Jayasuriya

                                                   SE/PDRH -009                        Dr. J.A.P.W. Jayasuriya

                                                   SE/PDRH -010                        Dr. A.A.N. Jayatilake

                                                   SE/PDRH -012                        Dr. W. U. Naidu

                                                   SE/PDRH -018                        Dr. S.D.N.J. Wijeweera

                                                   SE/PDRH -019                        Dr. M.R.H.U. Wimalasiri

                                                                                                              Professor Harshalal Seneviratne    

                                                                                                                           Actg. Director

            160, Norris Canal Road,

            Colombo 07.

            19th February, 2010