Postgraduate Institute of Medicine |
University of Colombo |
Unconfirmed Results | |
Results of the Selection Examination for Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health -March, 2010
The following candidates have qualified to proceed for the Postgraduate Diploma in Child Health Examination to be held in October, 2010 :-
Index No. Name of candidate
SE/PDCH -001 Dr. D. Adhihetty
SE/PDCH -002 Dr. S.G.S. Adikaram
SE/PDCH -004 Dr. K.W.D.A. Anuradha
SE/PDCH -005 Dr. C.M.M. Aslam
SE/PDCH -006 Dr. W.A.M. Aslam
SE/PDCH -008 Dr. V. Brunthiga
SE/PDCH -010 Dr. T.G.D. Chandimalie
SE/PDCH -012 Dr. D.C.L. de Silva
SE/PDCH -013 Dr. S.S.C. De Silva
SE/PDCH -015 Dr. D.V.A.D.S. Deepthi Kumara
SE/PDCH -017 Dr. M.H. Faumy M. Hassan
SE/PDCH -018 Dr. H.S.P. Fernando
SE/PDCH -020 Dr. T.C.I. Fernando
SE/PDCH -021 Dr. N.M.G.L.A. Gunarathna
SE/PDCH -022 Dr. K.R. Gunatilaka
SE/PDCH -025 Dr. K.P.M.S. Hemachandra
SE/PDCH -026 Dr. S.B. Hettiarachchi
SE/PDCH -027 Dr. R.M. Hussain
SE/PDCH -028 Dr. M.L.M. Infaq
SE/PDCH -029 Dr. F.N. Isthiaq Alam
SE/PDCH -030 Dr. T.I. Jayasinghe
SE/PDCH -031 Dr. R.A.D.P.M. Jayawardana
SE/PDCH -032 Dr. V. Jecopson
SE/PDCH -033 Dr. P.M. Kariyawasam
SE/PDCH -034 Dr. S.D. Karunathilake
SE/PDCH -036 Dr. A. W. S. Kumara
SE/PDCH -037 Dr. K. Kumuthiny
SE/PDCH -038 Dr. I. Liyanage
SE/PDCH -040 Dr. D.M.S. Manori
SE/PDCH -045 Dr. S. Pahalawatta
SE/PDCH -047 Dr. K.D. Pematilleke
SE/PDCH -048 Dr. G.L.L.N. Perera
SE/PDCH -051 Dr. M.G.A. Priyankara
SE/PDCH -052 Dr. Y.G.T. Priyawansha
SE/PDCH -053 Dr. A.P.G. Punchihewa
SE/PDCH -054 Dr. H.G.S.Z. Rajapaksa
SE/PDCH -055 Dr. R.P.D.U.A. Rajapakse
SE/PDCH -057 Dr. R.A.N.S. Randeny
SE/PDCH -058 Dr. N. Raveendran
SE/PDCH -059 Dr. J. Sabanadesan
SE/PDCH -061 Dr. L. R. C. Sathis Lal
SE/PDCH -062 Dr. V.C.C. Senarath
SE/PDCH -063 Dr. M.A.F. Shahina
SE/PDCH -065 Dr. S. Sivanathan
SE/PDCH -066 Dr. A.V.C. Subodhani
SE/PDCH -068 Dr. S.P.N. Wijesinghe
160, Norris Canal Road,
Colombo 07.
19th March, 2010