This training comprises
3-month rotations in each of the three subspecialties;
- Histopathology
- Haematology
- Chemical Pathology
2-month rotation in Microbiology
Trainees will have an exposure to Molecular Pathology, Statistics, Genetics, Immunology, Embryology and Laboratory Management. These areas will be covered by lectures
To ensure that sufficient knowledge of the services of other fields of pathology is acquired to enable the use and interpretation of basic test results of those disciplines and to ensure sufficient basic background knowledge is acquired to proceed with a specialized training in one of the specialties of Pathology.
Candidates should be successful at the Examination for the Selection of Trainees for the Postgraduate Training in Pathology.
The selected trainees will be posted to training centres to work full time. A course of supplementary lectures will be given mainly to cover Molecular Pathology, Basic Statistics, Genetics, Immunology, Embryology, Laboratory Management and Quality Control.