Non-Sri Lankan nationals with postgraduate qualifications are eligible to apply for fellowships in subspecialties. The final decision on the acceptability of the postgraduate qualifications lies with the relevant BoS.
The fellowship may be for a duration equivalent to or less than the duration of the post-MD training in the relevant field. Please refer to the prospectus of the relevant field for the duration of post-MD training.
The Fellowship will NOT grant board certification to practice as a specialist in Sri Lanka but the fellow will be awarded a certification of completion of the said fellowship.
The process for obtaining such a fellowship is given below:
- The prospective fellow is required to write to the Director (director@pgim.cmb.ac.lk) of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, specifying the specialty and duration of fellowship required, and the purpose for which this fellowship is sought. The applicant is expected to attach all documents and proof of relevant postgraduate qualifications.
- The respective Board of Study (BoS) at the PGIM will evaluate the application and recommend whether the applicant is eligible to be offered a fellowship. Further, based on the qualifications and experience of the prospective candidate, the BoS will decide at which level the applicant can be placed in the training programme.
- Once approval is granted by the BoS, the trainee will be allocated to a suitable training rotation by the Board of Study
- The BoS will appoint a coordinator, to coordinate the appointments of the fellow.
- The trainee is required to pay the relevant fees applicable to overseas applicants, based on the duration of training.
- The trainee is not eligible to claim a specialist qualification or board certification based on this training.
- The trainee will be issued a certificate of completion of the fellowship by the PGIM.
Please refer to section 9 of the general regulations of the PGIM for the most updated information.