The Training of Trainer Programme – PGIM
The main aim of the trainer training program is to empower the trainers to provide more effective training to their trainees using widely accepted principles and practices in medical education. Towards achieving this aim, the participants of the proposed trainer training program upon completion of their training should be able to:
- Identify the multiple roles played by a trainer in postgraduate training
- Create a suitable learning environment for the postgraduate trainees
- Develop and make use of appropriate learning objectives
- Plan and organize effective teaching sessions
- Use appropriate performance assessment methods
- Provide feedback using an effective feedback tool
- Supervise trainees in maintaining a portfolio
- Provide leadership in medicine
- Manage problem trainees
- Enhance safety for patients during postgraduate training
The program is a blended learning program and therefore will consist of two components:
Face to face component:
The face-to-face component will be organized as a two-day workshop running on consecutive dates. It will be held either at the PGIM or at a hosting institution outside Colombo. The workshop will ideally be run by two/three resource persons and will cater to a maximum of 30 trainers.
Content to be covered in the face-to-face component:
The content areas to be covered during the face to face workshop are as follows.
- Role of the postgraduate trainer
- Organizing and planning a teaching session
- Introduction to learning objectives
- Small group teaching
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Principles of assessment
- Workplace-based assessments
Following schedule can be adopted when conducting the training sessions.
Online component:
The online component will be held over one week immediately after the twoday face-to-face workshop. All participants will undergo an orientation session for the online learning platform as the last event of the face-to-face workshop and will be given log-in information to access their accounts.
The online learning component will be designed as a self-paced learning activity that will extend their knowledge dimension on teaching, learning and assessment.
Content areas to be covered in the online component:
- Utilizing learning objectives in clinical teaching
- Portfolio assessment
- Leadership in medicine
- Identifying and dealing with problem trainees
- Patient safety
- Participation in all components is mandatory to complete the course successfully.
- The 30 slots are available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
- Certificate of participation will be issued upon the successful completion of both face to face and online sessions.
Please use the links provided below to register for available programmes. A confirmation of registration will be sent to you via email by the PGIM once the application is processed.
Apply for February Programme(7th & 14th February 2025)
Apply for May Programme(2nd & 9th May 2025)
Apply for August Programme(15th & 22nd August 2025)
Apply for November Programme(7th & 14th November 2025 )
For further information, you can contact the Medical Education Resource Centre (MERC) of the PGIM via email (merc@pgim.cmb.ac.lk) or via phone (0112689266).